Helen Morock and Florent (Helen’s family and friends called him “Van”) Van Langenhoven were married on June 10, 1924. Cecilia Morock and Eugene Rassette were maid of honor and best man. Gene was a friend from the Upper Peninsula.
They lived with Grandma [Frances] Morock and Uncle Joe Morock (a bachelor) for a few years after their marriage at 6442 Sheridan Avenue in Detroit, Michigan. I [Dororthy] believe both Aunt Dorothy and your dad — your dad was named after both Grandpa’s: Edward Albert — were born at this address, delivered by Doctor Burgess who was our family doctor until his untimely death. One of his patients with pneumonia vomited on him and he died shortly after.

We then moved to an upper flat on Baldwin Avenue. It was here that your dad and I got the measels. Your dad was about 1½ years old. As young as I was I can still see the wicker buggy he would be in. He was very ill and moaned and moaned. My cousin Isabelle helped Grandma [Helen] at this time.
We then moved some dumpy house on Duncan and I went to Trumble school for about half a year. Then Grandpa and Granma bought a house on Wisner (off Van Dyke Avenue, near Forest Lawn Cemetary). I went to Holy Name School.
Then along came the depression. Grandpa was laid off of his tool and die making job at Ford’s, probably about 1931. Since he was off work, Grandpa and Grandma decided to go see our Grandfather [Eduard] Van Langenhoven in Republic, Michigan. It was a two-day drive, some of it on gravel roads; and you had to take the ferry to get to the Upper Peninsula. I think we went with Aunt Martha, Uncle Joe, and Ruth.
Grandpa [Florent] told our neighbor that, should he get a telegram to come back to work, to let us know immediately. The telegram came, but somehow the neighbor never let us know and Grandpa lost his job at Ford’s.
I [Dorothy] graduated from St Anthony High School. Your dad [Edward] quit St Anthony’s in the 10th grade and went to Aero Mechanics School at Detroit City airport. He quit there in the 11th grade, much to the distress of Grandma [Helen] and Grandpa [Florent]. Your dad did not graduate from high school. Years later when he was laid off at Chrysler’s, he had a hard time finding a job, even delivering bread, because he didn’t have a diploma.
Grandma prayed + prayed whether she and Grandpa should buy a home, which they decided to do. They cashed in Grandpa’s Travelers Insurance policy and unknown to no one but Grandpa, Grandma and me, Aunt Cel lent the rest of the money to Grandpa and Grandma at one-half percent interest! (May she rest in peace!)
In 1952 a friend of ours (Dora Priddle) was going to quit her job selling magazines over the phone. She asked Grandpa if he would be interested in doing this from our home. He took over her job and gained many new customers. Won quite a few prizes in selling contest. (What a God-send that job was!) Grandpa did quite well financially until about 1970 and then the publishers started sending notices directly to readers so by the time the salespeople called, many had already renewed their prescription[sic].
In 1965 Grandma had surgery for a prolapsed bladder. The day after surgery her stomach swelled up terribly. Two weeks later she had exploratory surgery; they discovered cancer of the ovary.
For two years Grandma was given chemotherapy (most experimentally) She would take them every week. (Thanks to Isabelle Wood (my cousin) she got a ride to Grace Hospital’s Darling Center.) I still remember the doctor’s name, Dr. Melvin Reed. Grandma thought the world of him.
After a series of injections she would become immune to these drugs and have to start on another.
Her tummy would swell making her look like a very pregnant woman. This fluid would have to be drained from her tummy, which was very painful (about every 4-6 months)
On Dec 15, 1966 she entered Grace Hospital where she was to have a new drug. It was a powerful one so they wanted to her to be at the hospital a few days after the injection, Grandma developed a blood clot and was in serious condition. From that point on, her condition got better but then started to deteriorate. Grandpa and I could see her slipping away a little more each day.
On Feb 20, 1967 at approximately 6:30PM, Grandma’s soul slipped away from Earth and entered Heaven.